Friday, October 1, 2010


1. Wherefore, O JEHOVAH, stand you afar off? Wherefore hide you yourself in times of distress?
2. Through the pride of the wicked the poor is grievously anguished; they are taken in the devices that they have contrived.
3. For the wicked boasts over his soul's desire, and the covetous blesses himself therein.
4. The wicked, in his pride, despises JEHOVAH, saying, He will not make inquiry. All his thoughts are, There is no GOD.
5. His ways are crooked at all times: your judgements, being high, are not before him: as for all his adversaries, he puffs at them.
6. He says in his heart, I shall not be moved to generation and generation; I who am not in calamity.
7. His mouth is full of cursing, and deceits, and fraud: under his tongue are mischief and iniquity.
8. He sits in the lurking places of the enclosures: in his hiding-places does he slay the innocent: his eyes watch for the helpless.
9. He lies in wait in his hiding-place like a lion in his covert: he lies in wait to make prey of the poor. He makes prey of the poor by drawing him into his net.
10. He crouches, he stoops down, and the helpless fall into his toils.
11. He says in his heart, GOD has forgotten: he hides his face; he will never see it.
12. Arise, JEHOVAH: O GOD, lift up your hand: forget not the poor.
13. Wherefore does the wicked despise GOD? wherefore does he say in his heart. You will not make inquiry?
14. You do see; for you behold mischief and grief, to put it in your hand. To you the helpless commits his cause: you are the helper of the orphan.
15. Break you the arm of the wicked and the evil. You shall search for his wickedness; you shall not find it.
16. JEHOVAH is king for ever and ever: the nations are perished out of his land.
17. You have heard the desire of the poor, O JEHOVAH; you confirm their heart. You will incline your ear to hear.
18. To judge the orphan and oppressed. Never more shall man expel them out of the land.


"This is the Portal of the amphitheatre of the only true and eternal Wisdom--a narrow one, indeed, but
sufficiently august, and consecrated to Jehovah. To this portal ascent is made by a mystic, indisputably
prologetic, flight of steps, set before it as shown in the picture. It consists of seven theosophic, or, rather,
philosophic steps of the Doctrine of the Faithful Sons. After ascending the steps, the path is along the way of God
the Father, either directly by inspiration or by various mediate means. According to the seven oracular laws
shining at the portal, those who are inspired divinely have the power to enter and with the eyes of the body and of
the mind, of seeing, contemplating and investigating in a Christiano-Kabalistic, divino-magical, physicochemical
manner, the nature of the Wisdom: Goodness, and Power of the Creator; to the end that they die not
sophistically but live theosophically, and that the orthodox philosophers so created may with sincere philosophy
expound the works of the Lord, and worthily praise God who has thus blessed these friend, of God." The above
figure and description constitute one of the most remarkable expositions ever made of the appearance of the Wise
Man's House and the way by which it must be entered.