Saturday, January 9, 2010


Psalm 36.— Against all evil and slanderous libels pray this Psalm, and they will cause you no injury.
Psalm 37.— If any one has drunken so much wine as to lose his reason, and in consequence, fears are entertained for his safety, then quickly pour water into a pitcher, pronounce this Psalm over it, and bathe his head and face with the consecrated water, and give him also to drink of it.
Psalms 38 and 39
.— If you have been so much slandered that the king and the officers of the law have been turned against you, and are taking measures to punish you, arise early, at the break of day and go out into the fields. Pray these Psalms and their holy name seven times with great devotion, and fast the entire day.
Psalm 40.— The principal characteristic of this Psalm is, that we can, by its use, free ourselves from evil spirits, if we pray it daily.
Psalms 41 to 43.— If your enemies have despoiled you of credit and caused you to be mistrusted, and thereby reduce your earnings, or per¬haps, deprive you of your office and installed another in your place, you should pray these three times a day for three successive days, together with a prayer that is appropriate to your circumstances, and by doing this you will perceive incredible things. Your enemies will be put to shame and you will be unscathed.