The human energetic system is mainly composed of a vertical energetic axis which runs through our spine from the perineum (the region between the genitals and the anus), up to the top of our head. This is our main energetic channel and it is called in India the Sushumna Nadi. On this channel, at different levels there are seven energetic centers (named chakras) that represent our link to the "reality" and the universe(s). They are located as shown in the image .
One can identify the nodal axis with Sushumna Nadi, the energetic central channel that runs through our spine. On this channel, the six chakras are projected at different levels as shown in the image on the left. The seventh chakra, the crown chakra, called Sahasrara chakra is not shown in the natal chart, it couldn't be, as it doesn't relate with the material level, only with the higher spiritual worlds. It is transcendental and represents our link to the Divinity.
The highest and most complete forms of spirituality do not reject the body, but see it as the vehicle for the transmutation of the body and the spirit together.
It is, according to Shakta Tantric doctrine, the seat of Kundalini,
the latent cosmic energy or shakti that resides in every living being.
When this latent power is activated through Hatha Yoga practicises
(pranayama, purification of the nadis, etc), it rises through each of the rear or spinal chakras,
and up through the top of the head, to the Sahasrara or "Thousand Petalled Lotus" located above the crown.
There it unites with its opposite polarity, the Paramashiva or Supreme Godhead Consciousness, and the yogi attains total Liberation from phenomenal reality.
Colours associated with this chakra are red, yellow, and golden.
It could be considered the bliss centre for physical body.