Air~~this is the element of magicke. People born under astrological air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra are dreamers and almost always believe in miracles. Air gives us balmy breezes but it also gives us hurricanes and tornadoes. Airplane pilots have often reported having mechanical difficulties only to magically be transported to a safe landing with the help of an air elemental. The air elemental can assist you in your magickal workings regarding communication, writing, travel, justice, unions, balance, science, freedom, and blood. In your magickal circle air governs the Eastern quarter and it manifests as a Sylph.
*Earth~~Earth is the element governed by Nature herself. The goddess oversees the changing of the seasons and the growth of crops. However, the elemental spirit of Earth works hand in hand with the Mother. This elemental spirit will assist you in your magickal workings regarding love, money, acquiesition, employement, health, diet, and organization. Those individuals born under astrological earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn have both feet firmly planted on the ground. Very often, they also have their hands in the ground, too. They tend to be great gardeners and to find gardening ver therapeutic. The earth is capable of giving us love and nurturing and life itself if we take care of it and give the proper homage. When the earth elemental is angered, though, earthquakes can result. In your magickal circle, the earth elemental governs the North.
This elemental spirit is embodied by a Gnome.
*Water~~Water is the element of intuition and nurturing. For nine months we all live in a warm, safe amniotic sac of saltwater. It is said that all life comes from the Sea. We believe this is true. Water is the element of healing. The sea works hand in hand with the Earth and is really a kindred spirit. The astrological signs governed by water, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, tend to be loners. They are one with the sea and are often good fishermen (or women). The Water Elemental will assist you in magickal workings honoring lunar gods and goddesses, power, psychic growth, sex, music, art, telepathy and dreams.This elemental governs the Western quarter of your magickal circle and is manifested as an Undine.
*Fire~~Fire is the element of feeling and passion. Fire can sustain life or take it in the blink of an eye. The fire elemental is a fascinating one. We have known people who are one with the fire elemental and they can do amazing things with fire. Prometheus was bound to a rock atop a craggy peak and doomed to have his liver pecked out by an eagle each day for all of eternity because he took fire from the gods and gave it to man. Without fire we would still be in caves. People who are born under astrological fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are very emotional and they make wonderful lovers. The elemental of fire assists you in magickal workings regarding authority, rebirth, leadership, courage, fertility, the spine, the heart, and truth. It governs the Southern quarter of your magickal circle and is manifested as a salamander.
It is said that there is a fifth element. This element is called by different names by different peoples. Some Witches call it Akasha. Japanese Buddhists call it Chi(pronounced "key"). Whatever name you may call it, it means Spirit. The spirit or heart of the Witch. This elemental spirit is manifested by whatever image your deep mind gives it. It is you and the power you are able to direct toward your magickal objective.
The reason we mention the elements in so much detail is that if you are considering the practice of magicke, then you will need to know the elements and their representatives intimately. No magickal working will be complete (or successful) without the conjuring of the Lords of the Quarters. A Witch must know and understand the elements and understand how to call upon them for their help in magickal endeavors. Without them all spells would be incomplete.