Agla (Hebrew, Jewish). This Kabbalistic word is a talisman composed of the initals of the four words "Ateh Gibor Leolam Adonai", meaning "Thou art mighty for ever 0 Lord". MacGregor Mathers explains it thus "A, the first; A, the last; G, the trinity in unity; L, the completion of the great work".
A Kabbalistic word that was used by rabbis in the practice of exorcism of evil spirits. It is composed of the four initial letters of the Hebrew words Athah gobon leolam, Adonai meaning "Thou art powerful and eternal, Lord.
"I conjure thee, by the powers of Yod He Vau He, AGLA, and Elohim Gibor, so that thou will serve me for a strength and defense against all powers seen and unseen.