Alter 20 years of studying and learning psychic protection techniques from many faiths,
magical orders and religions, and personally experience all source of attacks from heavy
satanic witchcraft to the daily energy blockage and emotional garbage transfer, I can
conclude that the easiest and more powerful way to protect one self is to wear a crucifix.
It does not matter your religion or faith, Jesus is universal and his sacrifice opened
incredible doors that created for the first time a vibration of salvation for all sentient
beings. After Satan gave his back to God, he also gave turned away from the all given
source of Life that is God’s Light. In synthesis Satan found a way to steal that Light and
was to obtain it thru all God’s souls, devouring the light they received from God using all
source of methods from demonic possessions to making the souls lose their way into
darkness. But once Jesus Christ died in that cross, at that very moment in time and space
a new vibration was created for all the universe and all universes, and this new light can
not be devour by the satanic realm, on the contrary it destroy them, in that way Jesus was
Eternally victorious over Satan and gave the opportunity to all souls to tap into that
vibration and be saved from Satan’s plan.
So, by wearing a crucifix you are tapping into that eternal moment where Jesus is
transmitting that energy of salvation for all, and thus protecting your self at all energy
levels of your being. Make sure when you buy a crucifix that is the most simple
representation of that very triumphant moment, as there are some crucifix with
decorations, symbols, seals, wear shapes and so on that won’t work as well. The simpler
the better and specially make sure the crucifix has the INRI sign on top.
If you are suffering from psychic attack, sorcery , witchcraft, demonic entities attacks,
etc, you will be bless with the highest protection by wearing the crucifix.